Frequently Asked Questions
How can I enroll my child in Sri Vani?
Step 1. Wait for the online admission process to be opened. It is usually timed and announced in September and October. Look out for a notification on our website(News Section) or on the notice board in school.
Step 2. On our website’s top menu, click on ‘Register-Login’ to access the ‘Registration Form’ & fill in all the pertinent information* of the child and parents/guardians. Also upload all the necessary documents in their respective fields & wait for a callback from the school informing you of the next step.
(*If you are not able to successfully submit the form, you must have not filled in one of the compulsory information or you might not have uploaded a compulsory document.)
How can I enroll my child in Sri Vani?
Step 1. Wait for the online admission process to be opened. It is usually timed and announced in September and October. Look out for a notification on our website(News Section) or on the notice board in school.
Step 2. On our website’s top menu, click on ‘Register-Login’ to access the ‘Registration Form’ & fill in all the pertinent information* of the child and parents/guardians. Also upload all the necessary documents in their respective fields & wait for a callback from the school informing you of the next step.
(*If you are not able to successfully submit the form, you must have not filled in one of the compulsory information or you might not have uploaded a compulsory document.)
Do I have to pay a fee for online application/registration?
No. Sri Vani does not charge any online application/registration fee.
Do I have to pay a fee for online application/ registration?
No. Sri Vani does not charge any online application/registration fee.
What is the age criteria for admission into Pre Nursery?
The child should have completed 2 years 8 months by the 1st of June in that academic year for which you seek admission. For example, if your child were to enter Sri Vani in Pre-Nursery in 2023-24 then she must have completed 2 years 8 months as of June 1st 2023. This child should have been born on or before 30th Sept 2020.
What is the age criteria for admission into Pre Nursery?
The child should have completed 2 years 8 months by the 1st of June in that academic year for which you seek admission. For example, if your child were to enter Sri Vani in Pre-Nursery in 2022 -23 then she must have completed 2 years 8 months as of June 1st 2022. This child should have been born on or before 30th Sept 2019.
I want to transfer my child to Sri Vani from another school but Transfer Certificate(TC) isn't available yet. What do I do?
If Transfer Certificate(TC) isn’t available yet, Birth Certificate can be uploaded during online registration. Later, TC has to be submitted to the school when available.
I want to transfer my child to Sri Vani from another school but Transfer Certificate(TC) isn't available yet. What do I do?
If Transfer Certificate(TC) isn’t available yet, Birth Certificate can be uploaded during online registration. Later, TC has to be submitted to the school when available.
I want to transfer my child to Sri Vani from another school but final marks card isn't available yet. What do I do?
If final marks card is not available yet, the mid-term marks card or the previous semester marks card can be uploaded during online registration. Later, the final marks card has to be submitted to the school when available.
I want to transfer my child to Sri Vani from another school but final marks card isn't available yet. What do I do?
If final marks card is not available yet, the mid-term marks card or the previous semester marks card can be uploaded during online registration. Later, the final marks card has to be submitted to the school when available.
How can I track my child's progress?
On our website’s top Menu, click on ‘Register-Login’ to access the ‘Parent Login’ option. Use the credentials provided to you by the school to login & access our Opus – Pupil Management System. From here you can actively track your child’s progress.
How can I track my child's progress?
On our website’s top Menu, click on ‘Register-Login’ to access the ‘Parent Login’ option. Use the credentials provided to you by the school to login & access our Opus – Pupil Management System. From here you can actively track your child’s progress.
Is there an option to pay regular fees online?
Yes. On our website’s top Menu, click on ‘Register-Login’ to access the ‘Parent Login’ option. Use the credentials provided to you by the school to login & access our Opus – Pupil Management System. From here you can make the fee payment online. In person payment of fees is also accepted at front offices of all our branches.
Is there an option to pay regular fees online?
Yes. On our website’s top Menu, click on ‘Register-Login’ to access the ‘Parent Login’ option. Use the credentials provided to you by the school to login & access our Opus – Pupil Management System. From here you can make the fee payment online. In person payment of fees is also accepted at front offices of all our branches.
Is the curriculum at Sri Vani aligned to the National Education Policy 2020?
Our Cambridge curriculum is already aligned with the NEP 2020. The other streams are rapidly aligning themselves through teacher empowerment activities currently underway.
Is the curriculum at Sri Vani aligned to the National Education Policy 2020?
Our Cambridge curriculum is already aligned with the NEP 2020. The other streams are rapidly aligning themselves through teacher empowerment activities currently underway.
What can I expect from Sri Vani for my child's growth?
Holistic development of the student. The school helps students identify and develop multifaceted personalities and the student grows well-rooted in cultural heritage and Indian identity. Finally, our students turn out to be humble yet confident, patriotic with a world vision.
What can I expect from Sri Vani for my child's growth?
Holistic development of the student. The school helps students identify and develop multifaceted personalities and the student grows well-rooted in cultural heritage and Indian identity. Finally, our students turn out to be humble yet confident, patriotic with a world vision.
What does Sri Vani offer apart from academics to it's students?
Music, dance, yoga, debates, quizzes, boxing, desi games, specially curated workshops, clay modelling and many more. But our emphasis lies on the classical Indian performing arts.
What does Sri Vani offer apart from academics to it's students?
Music, dance, yoga, debates, quizzes, boxing, desi games, specially curated workshops, clay modelling and many more. But our emphasis lies on the classical Indian performing arts.
What is Sri Vani's strength?
Sri Vani’s strength lies in its cultural identity & the legacy it carries. Sri Vani cherishes the support of its patrons, parents and students, past and present respectfully.
What is Sri Vani's strength?
Sri Vani’s strength lies in its cultural identity & the legacy it carries. Sri Vani cherishes the support of its patrons, parents and students, past and present respectfully.
What makes Sri Vani unique?
Vani has rightfully earned the trust of the society it represents. We feel a powerful obligation to continue its unique system of education as part of delivering its responsibility to society.
What makes Sri Vani unique?
Vani has rightfully earned the trust of the society it represents. We feel a powerful obligation to continue its unique system of education as part of delivering its responsibility to society.
How accessible is top level management?
Principals/Vice-principals can always be approached through an appointment sought over a phone call or e-mail for valid reasons. For all other queries, school personnel and front office staff are always available. Call up your respective branch for an appointment or more details.
How accessible is top level management?
Principals/Vice-principals can always be approached through an appointment sought over a phone call or e-mail for valid reasons. For all other queries, school personnel and front office staff are always available. Call up your respective branch for an appointment or more details.
How can I meet teachers of the school?
All teachers can be met through an appointment sought over a phone call or e-mail. Ideally, each of our branches has a separate time for parents to meet teachers. Call up your respective branch for an appointment or more details.
How can I meet teachers of the school?
All teachers can be met through an appointment sought over a phone call or e-mail. Ideally, each of our branches has a separate time for parents to meet teachers. Call up your respective branch for an appointment or more details.

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Contact Us
- +91 80 233 222 39
- +91 80 233 288 01
Head Office
- Ramavana, 1246, 4th Main Road, E Block, 2nd Stage, Rajaji Nagar - 560010
Site Links
Contact Us
- +91 80 233 222 39
- +91 80 233 288 01
Head Office
- Ramavana, 1246, 4th Main Road, E Block, 2nd Stage, Rajaji Nagar - 560010