Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by the Government of India. The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that engenders excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to providing quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners. It is a matter of pride that this is a vision that the Sri Vani Education Centre School in Machohalli, Magadi Road has been tirelessly bringing to life year after year for over 20 years.
The structured and controlled syllabus makes use of standardised Textbooks. This curriculum is especially favoured by patrons who need to constantly relocate within India or even abroad and seek a seamless transitioning in their ward’s education. This curriculum is especially lucrative to the students who wish to pursue Engineering and Medical streams after their schooling.
CBSE Curriculum Pathway
CBSE Curriculum Pathway
Class 12
Class 11
(Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics & Biology)
(Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics & Computer Science)
Class 10
Class 9
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language - Kannada/Hindi/Sanskrit
Class 8
Class 7
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language - Kannada/Sanskrit/Hindi
IIIrd Language - Kannada/Sanskrit/Hindi
Class 6
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language - Kannada
IIIrd Language - Hindi
Class 5
Class 4
Class 3
Class 2
Class 1
Environmental Science
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language - Kannada
IIIrd Language - Hindi
CBSE Kindergarten
Upper Kindergarten (UKG)
Lower Kindergarten (LKG)
Pre Nursery
Classes 11 & 12
(Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics & Biology)
(Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics &
Computer Science)
Classes 9 & 10
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language -
Kannada / Hindi / Sanskrit
Classes 7 & 8
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language -
Kannada / Hindi / Sanskrit
IIIrd Language -
Kannada / Hindi / Sanskrit
Class 6
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language - Kannada
IIIrd Language - Hindi
Classes 1 to 5
Environmental Science
Social Science
Ist Language - English
IInd Language - Kannada
IIIrd Language - Hindi
CBSE Kindergarten
Upper Kindergarten (UKG)
Lower Kindergarten (LKG)
Pre Nursery
Unlike the traditional quarterly, half-yearly and annual assessments, the CBSE system follows a process of continuous assessment throughout the year called Formative Assessments and one exam called Summative Assessment. This happens across two semesters every year. The formative assessments are a mix of individual and group activities and also written and oral tests. The curriculum aims to promote a stress-free environment for learning while promoting intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners.
The standards have been kept high and every student under the Sri Vani umbrella is groomed, guided, tutored and mentored with dedication and a sense of belongingness.
Pursue at Machohalli Campus

Site Links
Contact Us
- +91 80 233 222 39
- +91 80 233 288 01
- ask@srivani.org
- www.srivani.edu.in
Head Office
- Ramavana, 1246, 4th Main Road, E Block, 2nd Stage, Rajaji Nagar - 560010
Site Links
Contact Us
- +91 80 233 222 39
- +91 80 233 288 01
- ask@srivani.org
- www.srivani.edu.in
Head Office
- Ramavana, 1246, 4th Main Road, E Block, 2nd Stage, Rajaji Nagar - 560010